Saturday, October 11, 2014


  Pete didn’t know any more about this stuff than the rest of us, but he was God damned good at faking it. He even had a plan to lure the monsters in a trap and try to destroy them once and for all. 

  At least that’s what he told us. In reality his plan was little better than chanting Bloody Mary into a mirror in a darkened bathroom. He had candles and incense and a fancy book. All very professional looking.

  He set up a circle with pigs blood and “the dust from a ruin”, lit the candles and said some words in a couple of languages that I’m pretty sure included some made up words and phrases that he came up with on the spot.

  The bastard was so full of shit that it was leaking out of his ears, and I’m pretty sure that was the point that I started to smell it. There was only one problem with the whole situation.

  It worked.

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